In my family there have been a number of recipes that have been fixed for decades for family gatherings and special occasions. Chocolate Pound Cake is one of those recipes and has always been a highly demanded dessert. It is a simple cake since it is just cake; no icing, no filling, no toppings, no anything. As a pound cake it is heavy and moist with it being a great pick up and eat dessert, no fork ever needed since it is a more solid cake. I would highly suggest this cake for anyone who has a sweet tooth and/or loves chocolate.
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Titles like Chocolate Pound Cake are easy to work with since you have a close to equal set of words, “Chocolate” is 9 letters and “Pound Cake” is 9 letters plus a space. Judging the length of your words helps in planning a logo so you know what kind of option you can have with laying them out. For me, if I have two sets of words of close to equal length then having them stacked one on top of the other will work since they can be designed of equal length. So I used that for how to lay out my text but gave them a little offset instead of being directly in lined with each other. Second for the text, I used the same font but gave “chocolate” a bold to give it a visual cue of being more important. Lastly, I created a graphic of an overhead view of the cake with a slice being removed and showing one feature of the dessert which is a crack ring on the top.